What a weekend! Well, technically it was the whole week, but we'll focus on the tail end of it. We started our Halloween festivities Thursday night with a little punkin carving. Berkley drew up her own pumpkin design and was especially excited!
Wait... What's that she's holding? It's too small to be Maddie or Maisy. Meet Hansel...
Isn't he incredibly adorable?! I could just bite those ears.
Back to the pumpkin carving... Berkley was so proud of her pumpkin...
And I was easily distracted...
.Lord. Help. Me.
.We took our finished pumpkin to Beth and Brett's, since we wouldn't be home for Halloween.
In case you didn't gather- the pumpkin was totally Gavin's idea!
Saturday night, we continued the celebration at Beth and Brett's. They organized a trick-or-treating get-together.
Complete with hot dogs and a hayride!
.The guys were nice enough to take all of the kids around the neighborhood to trick-or-treat. This has seriously got to be the best way to get the job done. Quick, efficient, and fun!
.While riding, we saw some pretty scary costumes. Lilli had a great way to avoid them...
.Sawyer doesn't look to amused, but we were definitely amused by him. He was the cutest turkey I've ever seen!
.When we returned from the hayride, Berkley was excited to show Gavin her loot...
.Sunday night, we headed to church for the fall festival. Deacon was done with the whole being a tiger thing, so he borrowed one of Berkley's old costumes...
.And was one of the cutest monkeys I've ever seen. Even if he didn't like the ears...
.The fall festival was complete with pig races...
.And pony rides...
.And slides...
.And we finished up with a little trunk-or-treating...
.We had a great time celebrating Halloween! It's such a fun day and one of my favorite holidays. I'm already looking forward to next year!
Your dog is SO cute!