Monday, February 7, 2011


So I did a little online shopping this morning.  After I placed my order, I realized that there was a pattern- everything I ordered was blue.  Apparently, I'm liking the color blue right now...

Gavin and I ventured to Old Navy the other day and I just had to have the two shirts above.  But, Gavin told me I should wait until it was a little warmer to buy them.  But, what if they were all gone?!  Anyway, he's such a smart guy, because I ended up getting an awesome coupon code from Old Navy today and couldn't resist snatching those shirts up (along with a new scarf)!  I'm excited and I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that I saved 30% on the shirts I would have paid full price for just two days ago- go me!  So if you want to get a good deal on some Old Navy stuff, use the coupon code ONBIG30.  It's only good for today, but they have some cute new stuff out, so check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Cute tops! I'm headed over to Old now. But I really don't need to buy anything!!!




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