So I did a little online shopping this morning. After I placed my order, I realized that there was a pattern- everything I ordered was blue. Apparently, I'm liking the color blue right now...
Gavin and I ventured to Old Navy the other day and I just had to have the two shirts above. But, Gavin told me I should wait until it was a little warmer to buy them. But, what if they were all gone?! Anyway, he's such a smart guy, because I ended up getting an awesome coupon code from Old Navy today and couldn't resist snatching those shirts up (along with a new scarf)! I'm excited and I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that I saved 30% on the shirts I would have paid full price for just two days ago- go me! So if you want to get a good deal on some Old Navy stuff, use the coupon code ONBIG30. It's only good for today, but they have some cute new stuff out, so check it out!
Cute tops! I'm headed over to Old now. But I really don't need to buy anything!!!