Our "swing" conversation got us thinking about his Granny. She was such a wonderful person! The true matriarch of the family. Sweet, dependable, and funny- she never let Gavin, or me, down. No, technically she wasn't my Granny, but then again she was. Since Gavin and I started dating at a young age, she was the only Grandmother figure I had close by. She always had great advice, yummy food, and the best sense of humor. Even when she was in the hospital sick, she was telling jokes and picking on Gavin's Granddaddy.
Her given name was Pauline Lillian Wynn, but she always went by Polly and married a Graf. It was years before I realized her name was Polly Graf. Gavin's friend, Justin, pointed it out to me. She passed away on Gavin and my 1 year wedding anniversary. I'll never forget the last thing she said to me: "When are you gonna have me some more grandbabies?" How fitting that the last thing she asked me had to do with the epitomy of what she was- a wonderful grandmother.
Of course, I never heard her say "swing, swing" to Gavin when he was little, but I'm sure I heard her say it to his little brother or Berkley. As I sit here typing this, I can hear her saying it- "Swing, Swing..."
Such a wonderful memory!