Monday, June 14, 2010

Is 27 Still Considered Mid-Twenties?

Seriously, I need to know the answer!  I turned 27 on Sunday, and it's been on my mind ever since.  Is 27 still considered mid-twenties, or am I officially in my late-twenties?  Just in case you didn't notice- I have a fear of getting older.  Not being old.  Not death.  Just getting older.
Anyway, thanks to great friends and family my birthday wasn't so bad.  Gavin and Beth organized a surprise birthday dinner for me at Speakeasy on Saturday night.  Unfortunately, since it was a surprise and my husband has been a little preoccupied by his broken arm, I didn't have my camera.  But trust me- we had a great time!  Sunday I spent my actual birthday with my mom.  It's tradition for us to have a birthday lunch together, so we had lunch at the Crepe Myrtle Cafe.  Monday night this sweet, sweet girl...

Berkley (and Gavin's parents) threw me a birthday party.   The theme?  Pink!

And she made sure that all 27 candles were on the cake!

Which meant that I needed help blowing them out!

She did a great job putting the party together.  I'm thinking that we might have a little party planner on our hands.  She is now planning Gavin's Auburn themed birthday party for next week!


  1. I say you've hit late-20's my dear. Sorry to burst your bubble. But I can say with gusto (seriously, gusto? Whatever...) that it's only getting better for me. I've figured out WHO I am & WHERE I'm going with life. There are details to be ironed out, of course, which continue to make the journey fun & interesting. I don't know all the answers & I've learned to be ok with it. I've learned that life's curveballs are what make it worthwhile. Getting older is scary, I'm turning 30 (shit) in 3months&2days. I'm not a fan & have been freaking out since my last birthday - which feels like it was yesterday.

    But life is still just as exciting, picking up speed & becoming more entertaining. I can appreciate what I'm looking at now & know that I can roll through anything. You're surrounded by wonderful people doing great things & you get to witness all of that, take part in it & help out when you can - getting older just means you have more to bring to the party.

    Happy belated birthday - you deserve it. Trust me, they don't stop being freaky but they do keep getting cooler.

  2. I think you are taking your first step towards your late twenties. It all happens so fast. Weren't we just 22? Live life to the fullest and I don't guess it will matter. (But just wait until you turn 30, it feels really weird to say that number!) Happy Birthday! :) P.S. Berkley did a great job with the party. :)



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