Monday, May 9, 2011

Highs and Lows

Ever heard of "Highs and Lows?"  Basically you tell one high and one low for the day, meaning you tell one positive thing and one negative thing.  Sometimes I play this with my class at the end of the day while we are waiting for the buses to be called.  I've had a lot of highs and lows the past few weeks, so I thought I would share them.  If not for entertainment, then for my own therapeutic relief.  So here we go...
High: My sweet husband took me on a date to see Water for Elephants last Friday.
Low: We were running so late, we didn't get to go to dinner and got stuck eating McDonald's after the movie (I hate McDonald's).
High: Gavin bought new plants and replanted our front flower bed.
Low: He didn't weed eat before he planted the flowers (seriously?).
High: We had a friend date with Beth and Brett (who we don't see nearly as much).  We went to dinner at Momma Goldberg's and to watch Gavin play softball.  Gavin's team won.
Low: Because the other team didn't show up.  It was an automatic forfeit and there was no game to watch.
High: I'm taking a new medicine.  I'm hoping for good results.
Low: The medicine has some rough side effects.  One is severe mood swings and I've been having them.  I'm pretty sure I've ticked some people off lately.
High: Field Day was this past Friday.  I wasn't really looking forward to it, but ended up having a good time.  The best part?
Blasting kids in the face with my water cannon.
Low: I left field day exhausted and out of it.  The result?  I backed into a co-workers car.  Yeah, that's a big LOW.
High: My co-worker is one of the nicest people ever.  It was no biggie to him.  No cops were called, no insurance filed.  Good thing I know a good body shop.
Low: Gavin has been giving me grief about the wreck all weekend.  Apparently one wreck means I am now a horrible driver.
So there's some of my highs and lows over the past weeks.  Hopefully there are less lows this upcoming week.  Friday the 13th is around the bend and that's usually my lucky day (strange, I know).  I also have that day off.  And the biggest high of all?  Only 10 more school days until summer vacation begins.  Yay!


  1. I justt love your blog! Highs and lows, such a great game to play. Definitely going to play with my kids!

  2. Friday the 13th is my lucky day as well! My maiden name, Mallery, means unlucky so we celebrate Fri. the 13ths as family holidays! Whose car did you back into? Hope you have a better week!

  3. I'm not sure why I always have good luck on Friday the 13th. The only thing I can come up with is that I was born on the 13th.
    I backed into Mr. Perry's truck. Probably the nicest person in the school is the person I back into! He's been super easy going about it and Brett is going to fix it next week. My car, on the other hand, took a pretty bad beating and has to have a whole new bumper!



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