Dear Coupon King, your ability to save us money amazes me. Yous gots some mad couponing skills. This means I get to spend more money on clothes- bonus! Dear Coffee, oh how I miss thee. It hurts my feelings that you give me migraines. To suffice, I stand in the coffee aisle at the grocery store and dream of life with you. Sad, I know. Dear J.Crew, please stop sending me emails and magazines about your new fall collection. The temptation is becoming unbearable. Dear Dancing with the Stars, you're really grasping for the "stars," huh? I'm more than a little disappointed at this seasons line up. You need to step it up.
All of my favorite shows have their season premiers this week and I am so excited I can hardly stand it. What shows are you most looking forward to watching this fall? This girl right here is pumped for some Grey's Anatomy!
No coffee? That's not good, friend. I'm sad for you. As far as fall shows, I'm looking forward Modern Family, Happy Endings and Castle. I also like Dancing with the Stars!