Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Deacon's 1st Auburn Game

Last Saturday Beth, Brett, Deacon, Gavin and I headed to Auburn for the Ole Miss game.  This was Deacon's 1st Auburn game (he's only tailgated in the past).  We decided to do the whole family friendly game day experience instead of the usual tailgating, which is something I haven't done since I was probably 7 years old.
We participated in all of the fan fare and got tons of free stuff which is always good.  Gavin and Deacon took a picture for free hats, while Beth, Brett, and I waited in line to throw a football through a hole to get a free t-shirt.
When it came time to throw the football the only person who rang the hole was Deacon (with a little assistance from Gavin).
After that, we headed to the new museum to check out the coaches' trophy...
And visit Krista....
On our way out, we ran into some of the Auburn cheerleaders who were coming in from Tiger Walk.  We really wanted to get a picture of Deacon with them, but he got a little shy.
He did however give one of the male cheerleaders a fist bump...
Then we headed to the baseball fields to check in the stroller and all of our goodies.

These pictures are funny to me.  It looks like something from an episode of My Two Dads.
On the way we ran into the cheerleaders and band as they pepped up the crowd before entering the stadium.  Deacon joined in as they sang the fight song, which Beth has on video- sooo cute!

Then it was off to the game!

We got settled in and Deacon took it all in.  His favorite part was when Beth would scream.  .
Gavin coached him on how to yell.  By half-time Deacon was yelling things such as "Get 'em boys!", "Tackle 'em!", and "Touchdown Auburn!"
We enjoyed the game, as well as a beautiful orange and blue sunset.  God must be an Auburn fan too!
We had a great time and Deacon was a trooper, hanging in there until the middle of the 4th quarter.  We probably won't make it to another game this season, so I'm glad we had such a great time at this one!

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