Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday's Letters

Dear Gavo, you are the man.  You make working a full-time job and remodeling a house look easy.  One more week and you're done!  Dear Maisy, you make riding in a car look like the best thing on Earth.  I'm happy to make your day with our daily rides.  Dear Home Depot, I get it. I've been hanging out there too much. I got the message when one of your employees saw me wandering the aisles and pointed me in the direction of my mom without even knowing me.  Dear Color Run, you make 5Ks fun.  I can't wait to get sprayed with a rainbow of colors and run for a good cause.

Have you heard about the Color Run?  A group of us are running it in Atlanta on April 7.  Is this something I should be training for?  I'm thinking I'll just wing it.

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