Friday night Beth had to chaperone a dance. We went over to their house to grill out and she asked me to watch after Deacon while Brett manned the grill. While Deacon and I were hanging out, I decided to get a few pictures of him walking for Beth...
Just in case you couldn't tell, Deacon is definately a ham! He loves to show off his walking skills.

Can you tell that I love this little guy? He's just so stinkin' cute, I don't see how anyone could resist him!

After Deacon showed me his skills, we decided to go outside and hang with the guys. I put him in his swing and he had a blast- the higher the better. This kid definately has no fear!
We had a good time hanging out while Beth danced the night away. Shortly after swinging, Deacon took his bottle and was out like a light. Then, it was time for the adults to have some fun!

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