Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Did I Mention We Moved?

August has been a busy month for us.  Not only did it mean back to work for me, but it also meant a big life change.  Someone put in an offer on our house in July and we accepted it, so we had to move.
I was sad to say goodbye to our first home.  We have made so many memories there.  I remember the day we moved in.  We spent all night painting so that we were done before our furniture was delivered the next day.  Our friends Beth and Brett came over to hang out with us while we painted.  That seems like ages ago, but it was only 6 years ago.  We had a lot of good times there.  We grilled out with friends once a month there.  We had some awesome Halloween parties there, as well as a Tacky Christmas party or two.  We made that house "our" house.  We changed everything from the paint colors to the flooring to the counter tops, as well as everything in between.  I can't even begin to count the hours we spent working on that house.  It was definitely bittersweet to leave that house.
It's also amazing the amount of stuff you accumulate in 6 years time.  It took forever to pack and move all of our stuff.  It seemed to be a never ending process.  Especially when someone like me is the one doing the packing.  To say I like everything organized is an understatement.
So we've moved.  And soon we will move again.  We are renting a place right now while we wait on our house to be built.  We're trying to not get too comfy seeing as we'll be packing everything back up in less than a year.  So here we are...

And if you could say a little prayer for me, it would be much appreciated.  You see, we've moved to a college town so we are surrounded by college students.  Oh to be that carefree again.  But instead of spending my nights having a good time and my days sleeping and dragging myself to class, I spend my nights trying to sleep while our neighbors party have a good time and my days teaching 4th graders.  Sleep deprived is an understatement.  So please pray for my sanity.  Otherwise it's only a matter of a time before I snap on one of the multiple 20 year olds that surrounds us.

1 comment:

  1. Living as a working adult in a college town? Um, yeah, I bet you feel old! I know I AM old when I am excited on the nights I get to go to bed before 10 pm. When did we get so ancient?!



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